Wednesday, December 12, 2012

H is for hair and hawk

I snapped these 3 images going to and from getting my hair cut today.  Second national bank columns,  Anthony at AMO , and a hawk that grabbed a mouse at 5th and market a second after this shot.

Tuesday Fog

Tuesday fog on the bridge.   I was able to make a quick portrait of this fellow. Cool spot on the right day.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Seaside Heights NJ 3/6/2010

OK, I'm finally gonna post a blog, like anyone gives a crap. Anyway here's my first entry. Susan and I took a ride to the beach Saturday and hit the Seaside Heights boardwalk. If you've never been there it's kind of like Coney Island meets Wildwood give or take a few "flashdance" style shirt shops. The signage is way cool, I only took a few snaps but these are fun images to mash up with some photoshop filters.

We had no idea that the Polar Bear Plunge benefit for the special olympics happened to be going on. I thought it was such a nice day that lots of people were heading to the beach for some welcome sunshine. We didn't expect 21,000 + Giants/ Yankee fans were about to jump into the 40ยบ ocean. I think you'll agree after viewing this video it was no beauty contest. Where's a tsunami when you need it. Yes I am still bitter about the WS.